Interface UserDetailsManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface UserDetailsManager
    Retrieves extra details about a user
    • Method Detail

      • getStringProperty

        String getStringProperty​(com.atlassian.user.User user,
                                 String key)
        Retrieve user property for a specified user.
        user - the user the property is associated with
        key - the key of the property to retrieve
        user property string (< 255 chars)
      • setStringProperty

        void setStringProperty​(com.atlassian.user.User user,
                               String key,
                               String value)
        Stores a string < 255 chars in a property with the given key against a specified user.
        user - the user the property is associated with
        key - the key of the property to set
        value - the new value of the property
      • removeProperty

        void removeProperty​(com.atlassian.user.User user,
                            String key)
        Removes the property associated with the user
        user - the user the property is associated with
        key - the key of the property to remove
      • getProfileKeys

        List<String> getProfileKeys​(String groupKey)
        Gets a list of keys for each property stored against a user
        list of properties
      • getProfileGroups

        List<String> getProfileGroups()
        Get the list of profile information groups