Class DatabaseValidationQueryMigrationUpgradeTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    BackupSupport, UpgradeTask, UpgradeTaskInfo, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware

    public class DatabaseValidationQueryMigrationUpgradeTask
    extends AbstractUpgradeTask
    This task implements the changes in CONFSRVDEV-17301. It removes the manually configured database validation query in order to use the JDBC4 isValid() method instead. This upgrade task facilitates the move for customers who already have a configuration in place.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DatabaseValidationQueryMigrationUpgradeTask

        public DatabaseValidationQueryMigrationUpgradeTask​(com.atlassian.config.ApplicationConfig applicationConfig)
    • Method Detail

      • runOnSpaceImport

        public boolean runOnSpaceImport()
        Description copied from interface: BackupSupport
        Returns true if an older Space can't be imported in a new instance without running this task. For example:
        • A task updating macro names in the BodyContent table would be blocking.
        • Tasks which updates data related to the space would be blocking.
        • A task upgrading the user table wouldn't be blocking.
        • Adding a mandatory column on space-related content breaks space import

        Note that tasks don't run on space import yet, so we just reject the import in this case.

      • breaksBackwardCompatibility

        public boolean breaksBackwardCompatibility()
        Description copied from interface: BackupSupport
        Returns true if a new export can't be imported in an older instance.

        Breaking compatibility means a snapshot of the new version will not work at all with the previous version. For example:

        • A destructive operation (Some data is replaced by another) breaks backwards compatibility
        • Adding a optional column does NOT break backwards compatibility
        • Data is copied to another column doesn't breaks backwards compatibility
        • A build number incrementation doesn't breaks backwards compatibility
        The best way to test is whether a newer export can be imported (with fully working features) in an older instance.
      • doUpgrade

        public void doUpgrade()
        Description copied from interface: UpgradeTask
        Perform the upgrade.