Interface FontProvider

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FontProvider
    Provides the first available Font on the system.
    • Method Detail

      • getFirstAvailableFont

        Font getFirstAvailableFont​(String... desiredFontNames)
        Returns the first available font among the specified fonts (respects order).
        desiredFontNames - desired font names
        the first available font among the specified fonts (respects order).
      • getConfluenceFont

        Font getConfluenceFont​(String name)
        Get the specified Confluence bundled Font. Not that the returned font will default to a size of 12. Font.deriveFont(int) can be used on the returned Font if you need a different size. This method does not look to system installed Fonts but only considers those bundled with Confluence.

        On Windows and Linux platforms explicitly retrieving a Font will constrain you to only the glyphs available within that font. On Mac OS X the JVM will try to find a suitable glyph from all available fonts. If you want this behaviour on the other platforms then you should use logical font names and the getFirstAvailableFont(String...) method.

        name - the name of the Font required.
        the named font bundled with Confluence, or null if no Font can be found