Interface SpaceLogoManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SpaceLogoManager
    Manages logos for spaces.
    • Method Detail

      • getLogoDownloadPath

        String getLogoDownloadPath​(Space space,
                                   com.atlassian.user.User viewingUser)
        Returns the download path (relative to the application's base URI excluding context path) for the logo of a given space. If the space is a personal space the owner's profile picture is used.
        space - the space to retrieve the logo from
        viewingUser - the user that is viewing the space
        the download path for the logo of a given space.
      • getLogoUriReference

        String getLogoUriReference​(Space space,
                                   com.atlassian.user.User viewingUser)
        Return a "URI reference" (a URL that may be relative to the application's base URI including context path or an absolute URL) for the logo of a given space. If the space is a personal space the owner's profile picture is used.
        space - the space to retrieve the logo from
        viewingUser - the user that is viewing the space
        the download path for the logo of a given space.