Class ScheduledSimpleJob

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ScheduledSimpleJob
    extends AbstractScheduledJob
    This class is for easily setting an atlassian-scheduler interval job from Spring. The firstRunTime in the schedule of is JobConfig is set to null (the job should run as soon as possible). You may need to customize it.

    If your job is only meaningful in clustered environment, use the constructor that can set clusteredOnly to true so that your job won't be scheduled in non-clustered environments.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ScheduledSimpleJob​(String id, com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner jobRunner, boolean runOncePerCluster, long repeatInterval)
      id is used for both JobRunnerKey to register the jobRunner and JobId to schedule the job.
      ScheduledSimpleJob​(String id, com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner jobRunner, boolean runOncePerCluster, long repeatInterval, boolean clusteredOnly)
      id is used for both JobRunnerKey to register the jobRunner and JobId to schedule the job.
      ScheduledSimpleJob​(String id, com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner jobRunner, boolean runOncePerCluster, long repeatInterval, int repeatCount, int jitterSecs)
      id is used for both JobRunnerKey to register the jobRunner and JobId to schedule the job.
      ScheduledSimpleJob​(String id, com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner jobRunner, boolean runOncePerCluster, long repeatInterval, int repeatCount, int jitterSecs, boolean clusteredOnly)
      id is used for both JobRunnerKey to register the jobRunner and JobId to schedule the job.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScheduledSimpleJob

        public ScheduledSimpleJob​(String id,
                                  com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner jobRunner,
                                  boolean runOncePerCluster,
                                  long repeatInterval)
        id is used for both JobRunnerKey to register the jobRunner and JobId to schedule the job.
      • ScheduledSimpleJob

        public ScheduledSimpleJob​(String id,
                                  com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner jobRunner,
                                  boolean runOncePerCluster,
                                  long repeatInterval,
                                  boolean clusteredOnly)
        id is used for both JobRunnerKey to register the jobRunner and JobId to schedule the job.
      • ScheduledSimpleJob

        public ScheduledSimpleJob​(String id,
                                  com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner jobRunner,
                                  boolean runOncePerCluster,
                                  long repeatInterval,
                                  int repeatCount,
                                  int jitterSecs)
        id is used for both JobRunnerKey to register the jobRunner and JobId to schedule the job.
      • ScheduledSimpleJob

        public ScheduledSimpleJob​(String id,
                                  com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner jobRunner,
                                  boolean runOncePerCluster,
                                  long repeatInterval,
                                  int repeatCount,
                                  int jitterSecs,
                                  boolean clusteredOnly)
        id is used for both JobRunnerKey to register the jobRunner and JobId to schedule the job.
    • Method Detail

      • toJobConfig

        public static com.atlassian.scheduler.config.JobConfig toJobConfig​(String jobRunnerKey,
                                                                           boolean runOncePerCluster,
                                                                           long repeatInterval,
                                                                           int repeatCount)
      • toJobConfig

        public static com.atlassian.scheduler.config.JobConfig toJobConfig​(String jobRunnerKey,
                                                                           boolean runOncePerCluster,
                                                                           long repeatInterval,
                                                                           int repeatCount,
                                                                           int jitterSecs)