Interface RemoteContentVersionService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface RemoteContentVersionService
    Remote client for ContentVersionService
    • Method Detail

      • delete

        com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promise<Void> delete​(ContentId contentId,
                                                           int versionNumber)
        delete the version of content.
        contentId - contentId
        versionNumber - version number to delete
      • restore

        com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promise<Version> restore​(ContentId contentId,
                                                               VersionRestoreParameters versionRestoreParameters,
                                                               Expansion... expansions)
        Restore on version of content, update current content with that version then increment version number of current version.
        contentId - contentId
        versionRestoreParameters - options for restoring version, including version number, message and restoreTitle
        expansions - expansion for newly created version.
        The newly current version with expansions
      • deleteCompletionStage

        CompletionStage<Void> deleteCompletionStage​(ContentId contentId,
                                                    int versionNumber)
        delete the version of content.
        contentId - contentId
        versionNumber - version number to delete
      • restoreCompletionStage

        CompletionStage<Version> restoreCompletionStage​(ContentId contentId,
                                                        VersionRestoreParameters versionRestoreParameters,
                                                        Expansion... expansions)
        Restore on version of content, update current content with that version then increment version number of current version.
        contentId - contentId
        versionRestoreParameters - options for restoring version, including version number, message and restoreTitle
        expansions - expansion for newly created version.
        The newly current version with expansions