Class AnalyzerDescriptor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AnalyzerDescriptorProvider, MappingAnalyzerDescriptor

    public class AnalyzerDescriptor
    extends Object
    implements MappingAnalyzerDescriptor
    An AnalyzerDescriptor is a combination of a TokenizerDescriptor and some (possibly no) CharFilterDescriptors and TokenFilterDescriptors that collectively describe how to analyse text into tokens.

    The analysis chain can be visualised as: Text -> CharFilterDescriptor -> TokenizerDescriptor -> TokenFilterDescriptor -> Tokens

    For example: "the quick fox jumped over the lazy dog" ->

    CharFilterDescriptor replacing x with a ->

    "The quick foa jumped over the lazy dog" ->

    WhitespaceTokenizerDescriptor ->

    {"The" "quick" "foa" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"} ->

    LowerCaseTokenFilter ->

    {"the" "quick" "foa" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"} ->
