Class ThumbnailInfo

  • public class ThumbnailInfo
    extends Object
    Responsible for setting the height and width of thumbnails appropriately and generating the HTML for rendering them in a page.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_WIDTH
        default thumbnail max height and max width
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • systemSupportsThumbnailing

        public static boolean systemSupportsThumbnailing()
      • getOriginalWidth

        public int getOriginalWidth()
        Get the width of the attachment before thumbnailing
        the width in pixels of the attachment before thumbnailing, or -1 if the attachment is not an image which is thumbnailable
      • getOriginalHeight

        public int getOriginalHeight()
        Get the height of the attachment before thumbnailing
        the width in pixels of the attachment before thumbnailing, or -1 if the attachment is not an image which is thumbnailable
      • getThumbnailWidth

        public int getThumbnailWidth()
        Get the width of the thumbnail image. This should never be greater than the configured maximum thumbnail width.
        the width of the thumbnail image in pixels
      • getThumbnailHeight

        public int getThumbnailHeight()
        Get the height of the thumbnail image. This should never be greater than the configured maximum thumbnail height.
        the height of the thumbnail image in pixels
      • getThumbnailUrlPath

        public String getThumbnailUrlPath()
        Get the URL path for downloading the thumbnail, relative to the application's context-root
        the path for downloading the thumbnail, relative to the application's context-root;
      • createThumbnailUrlPathFromAttachmentUrl

        public static String createThumbnailUrlPathFromAttachmentUrl​(String attachmentUrl)
      • getPopupLink

        public String getPopupLink​(String imageParameters)
        Get some HTML that will cause a thumbnail to be rendered inline, with a popup-link to the full-sized image. You can optionally supply some additional parameters to include in the img tag.

        This method generates an a tag with the 'confluence-thumbnail-link' class. The 'image-effects.js' file will attach an onclick function during the page initialisation.

        imageParameters - a string of parameters suitable for inserting into an HTML img tag. Ignored if null.
        the appropriate popup image HTML
      • getPopupLinkPrefix

        public String getPopupLinkPrefix()
        This method generates an a tag with the 'confluence-thumbnail-link' class. The 'image-effects.js' file will attach an onclick function during the page initialisation.
        the popup prefix html
        See Also:
      • getPopupLinkSuffix

        public String getPopupLinkSuffix()
      • getThumbnailImageHtml

        public String getThumbnailImageHtml​(String imageParameters)
      • getAttachment

        public Attachment getAttachment()
      • getImageMimeType

        public String getImageMimeType()
        Returns the MIME type of the thumbnail if it is an intelligible image, or null otherwise.