Class AbstractEditPageAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractEditPageAction

        public AbstractEditPageAction()
    • Method Detail

      • isVersionMismatch

        public boolean isVersionMismatch()
        since 5.3. Not used for some time. You can check whether getConflictingVersion() if you need this.
      • setVersionMismatch

        public void setVersionMismatch​(boolean versionMismatch)
        since 5.3. This hasn't actually been used in Confluence since 4.0. This does nothing.
      • getOldContent

        public String getOldContent()
        since 5.3 (but really did nothing for a long time before then)
        Not used anywhere.
      • setOldContent

        public void setOldContent​(String oldContent)
        since 5.3 (but really did nothing for a long time before then)
        Not used anywhere.
      • setPage

        public void setPage​(AbstractPage page)
        Description copied from interface: PageAware
        IOC method for setting the page on the action. This is called from the interceptor
        Specified by:
        setPage in interface PageAware
        setPage in class AbstractPageAwareAction
        page - the page that the action will be working on.
      • validate

        public void validate()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPreviewPageAction
        Convert the editor content to storageFormat, catching and reporting any problems in the process. On successful validation, the storageFormat field will be populated with a storage format representation of the editor content, ready for saving.
        Specified by:
        validate in interface MessageHolderAware
        Specified by:
        validate in interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.Validateable
        validate in class AbstractCreateAndEditPageAction
      • doEdit

        public String doEdit()
      • afterEdit

        protected String afterEdit()
        Common processing to be performed by all subclasses after the edit operation.
        Action.SUCCESS if successful. Any other return value means a failure.
      • isContentModified

        protected boolean isContentModified()
      • isTitleModified

        protected boolean isTitleModified()
        Returns true if the page title is not null and not equals the current page title
      • getOriginalPage

        public AbstractPage getOriginalPage()
        since 5.3. This hasn't been used for a long time.
      • getOriginalVersion

        public int getOriginalVersion()
      • setOriginalVersion

        public void setOriginalVersion​(int originalVersion)
      • getConflictingVersion

        public int getConflictingVersion()
      • setConflictingVersion

        public void setConflictingVersion​(int conflictingVersion)
      • getDiff

        public String getDiff()
      • getLastConflictingUser

        public ConfluenceUser getLastConflictingUser()
        Return the user who made the most recent conflicting change.
        user who made the most recent conflicting change
      • getOverwrite

        public String getOverwrite()
      • setOverwrite

        public void setOverwrite​(String overwrite)
      • getNotifyWatchers

        public String getNotifyWatchers()
      • setNotifyWatchers

        public void setNotifyWatchers​(String notifyWatchers)
      • getVersionComment

        public String getVersionComment()
      • setVersionComment

        public void setVersionComment​(String versionComment)
      • isConflictFound

        public boolean isConflictFound()
      • isMergeRequired

        public boolean isMergeRequired()
      • setViewConflict

        public void setViewConflict​(boolean viewConflict)
      • isViewConflict

        public boolean isViewConflict()
      • setHtmlDiffer

        public void setHtmlDiffer​(Differ differ)
      • setMergerManager

        public void setMergerManager​(MergerManager mergerManager)
      • setStorageFormatCleaner

        public void setStorageFormatCleaner​(StorageFormatCleaner storageFormatCleaner)
      • setBreadcrumbGenerator

        public void setBreadcrumbGenerator​(BreadcrumbGenerator breadcrumbGenerator)