Class V2MacroToUnmigratedWikiMarkupMacroMigration

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class V2MacroToUnmigratedWikiMarkupMacroMigration
    extends Object
    implements MacroMigration
    Responsible for wrapping a string containing a wiki macro declaration (say "{foo}bar{foo}") inside an XHTML wiki markup macro.

    Takes a MacroDefinition that represents the state of v2 macro and serializes it to wiki markup. After serialization, wrap the result in an XHTML wiki markup macro.

    Respects inline and block output types by migrating to an appropriate inline or block version of the wiki markup macro.

    TokenType.INLINE_BLOCK represents v2 macros that can be positioned either inline or own their own. Conservatively migrate these as inline wiki markup macros.

    For unknown v2 macros, convert to inline wiki markup also.

    • Constructor Detail

      • V2MacroToUnmigratedWikiMarkupMacroMigration

        public V2MacroToUnmigratedWikiMarkupMacroMigration​(com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroManager v2MacroManager)