Class SimpleSearchQueryParser

  • public final class SimpleSearchQueryParser
    extends Object
    Parses Strings into SearchQuery implementations according to the SearchQueryInterpreter provided at construction time and returns a BooleanQueryFactory.

    Strings are split into tokens separated by commas or whitespace. They are inserted into a BooleanQueryFactory based on the token preceding them, which are InclusionCriteria implementations.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleSearchQueryParser

        public SimpleSearchQueryParser​(SearchQueryInterpreter interpreter)
        Constructs a new parser using the specified SearchQueryInterpreter to transform string tokens into SearchQuery implementations. The default InclusionCriteria is ANY.
        interpreter - the SearchQueryInterpreter implementation to use
      • SimpleSearchQueryParser

        public SimpleSearchQueryParser​(SearchQueryInterpreter interpreter,
                                       InclusionCriteria defaultInclusionCriteria)
        Constructs a new parser using the specified SearchQueryInterpreter to transform string tokens into SearchQuery implementations and using the specified InclusionCriteria as the default criteria for untagged tokens.
        interpreter - the SearchQueryInterpreter implementation to use
        defaultInclusionCriteria - the default InclusionCriteria for untagged tokens
    • Method Detail

      • setDefaultInclusionCriteria

        public void setDefaultInclusionCriteria​(InclusionCriteria criteria)
        Sets which InclusionCriteria should be applied to a value in the absence of a specific token.
        criteria - the default InclusionCriteria value to use
      • parse

        public BooleanQueryFactory parse​(String query)
                                  throws SearchQueryParserException
        Parses the specified String into a BooleanQueryFactory implementation according to the rules specified by the SearchQueryInterpreter.
        query - the String to parse
        a BooleanQueryFactory corresponding to the String
        SearchQueryParserException - if an error occurs during parsing