Class MacroFormDetails

  • public class MacroFormDetails
    extends Object
    A Bean that encapsulates the detailed metadata of a macro. This includes the macro parameter information, documentation links and notation help guide contents.
    • Method Detail

      • getMacroName

        public String getMacroName()
      • renderForDisplay

        public void renderForDisplay​(org.apache.velocity.context.Context context)
        This method should be called to render macro details before passing to the front end for display.
        context - the velocity context to render with
      • getNotationHelp

        public String getNotationHelp()
        the notation help as raw HTML. The renderForDisplay(Context) method must be called before this.
      • getDocumentationUrl

        public String getDocumentationUrl()
        since 5.5. Use getDocumentationLink() instead.
        the url to the macro's documentation, if available. Otherwise, null is returned.
      • getDocumentationLink

        public DocumentationLink getDocumentationLink()
        the url to the macro's documentation, if available. Otherwise, null is returned.
      • setBody

        public void setBody​(MacroBody body)
      • isFreeform

        public boolean isFreeform()
        true if the macro parameter information is not available.
      • isShowDefaultParamInPlaceholder

        public boolean isShowDefaultParamInPlaceholder()
      • getParameters

        public List<MacroParameter> getParameters()
        a list of macro paramaters.
      • hasRequiredParameters

        public boolean hasRequiredParameters()
      • getSchemaVersion

        public int getSchemaVersion()