Class ReIndexHouseKeepingJobRunner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ReIndexHouseKeepingJobRunner
    extends Object
    implements com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner
    This job is run periodically (once per cluster) to detect and fix stalled re-index jobs. A re-index job can become stalled when:
    1. Node rebuilding index is restarted.
    2. Some of the receiving nodes drops out of cluster during propagation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReIndexHouseKeepingJobRunner

        public ReIndexHouseKeepingJobRunner​(ReIndexJobManagerInternal jobManager,
                                            ClusterManager clusterManager,
                                            com.atlassian.sal.api.features.DarkFeatureManager darkFeatureManager,
                                            com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher eventPublisher)
    • Method Detail

      • runJob

        public com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunnerResponse runJob​(com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunnerRequest ignored)
        Specified by:
        runJob in interface com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner