Class HealthCheckAnalyticsEvent

  • @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault
    public class HealthCheckAnalyticsEvent
    extends Object
    A server-side analytics event raised after executing a health check. If you add attributes to this event, make sure to also add them to the whitelist (confluence_whitelist.json). See The Developer's Guide to Atlassian Analytics.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HealthCheckAnalyticsEvent

        public HealthCheckAnalyticsEvent​(String checkId,
                                         String startupMode,
                                         String eventId,
                                         String eventLevel,
                                         String cause,
                                         @Nullable URL kbURL)
        checkId - the unique ID of the check that raised this event
        startupMode - the mode in which Confluence started up
        eventId - the unique ID of this analytics event
        eventLevel - the event level
        cause - the cause of the event
        kbURL - the URL clicked by the user; if null, this is not a KB clicked event
    • Method Detail

      • sanitise

        public static @NonNull String sanitise​(String text)
        Converts the given arbitrary text into a sanitised analytics attribute value. Anyone querying the analytics database will need to decode the sanitised value using a lookup table provided by Confluence developers.
        text - the text to sanitise
        a value that does not require whitelistung
      • getProductRunId

        public String getProductRunId()
      • getCheckId

        public String getCheckId()
      • getCause

        public String getCause()
      • getEventId

        public String getEventId()
      • getEventLevel

        public String getEventLevel()
      • getStartupMode

        public String getStartupMode()
      • getKbURL

        public @Nullable String getKbURL()