Class NoopPersister

    • Constructor Detail

      • NoopPersister

        public NoopPersister()
    • Method Detail

      • persist

        public List<TransientHibernateHandle> persist​(ImportProcessorContext context,
                                                      ImportedObject object)
                                               throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: ObjectPersister
        Persist a given imported object.
        Specified by:
        persist in interface ObjectPersister
        context - the context of the current import operation
        object - the object to save.
        a list of handles of the objects that were saved. If IDs are being rewritten on import, this list should still contain the pre-rewriting ID as it appears in the backup file
        Exception - if something goes wrong. To avoid duplication of "wrap everything in one exception type" code in every persister, it is assumed wrapping happens at a higher level.