Class ContentEntityDatabaseDataExporter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Exporter, Persister, Subscriber

    public class ContentEntityDatabaseDataExporter
    extends Object
    implements Persister, Exporter, Subscriber
    Responsible for exporting all content entitity objects. It starts with the current versions first and then continues with historical versions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContentEntityDatabaseDataExporter

        public ContentEntityDatabaseDataExporter​(DatabaseExporterHelper databaseExporterHelper,
                                                 boolean keepCollectionsForContentProperties,
                                                 ContentPropertyDataExporter contentPropertyDataExporter,
                                                 Converter databaseDataConverter,
                                                 CommonPersister commonPersister)
        Creates an instance of content entity exporter.
        databaseExporterHelper - just helper containing set of useful functions allowing to retrieve data from the DB.
        keepCollectionsForContentProperties - set to true when it has to generate data in legacy format (with a collection of references to Content Properties).
        contentPropertyDataExporter - reference to content property exporter (used for legacy format only)