Class Summary Class Description HttpRequestStats Holder for statistics specific to an HTTP request.HttpRequestStatsEvent Analytics events that contains statistics for a single HTTP request.LicenseCheckFailedEvent Analytics event fired when license check fails (license is expired or user limit exceeded) while user tries to perform "licensed actions".MailServerAnalytics MailServerAnalytics.InboundServerCreated MailServerAnalytics.InboundServerDeleted MailServerAnalytics.OutboundServerCreated MailServerAnalytics.OutboundServerDeleted MaintenanceBannerEvent Analytics event fired when the banner feature is turned on or off while read-only mode is not being used, e.g.MaintenanceReadOnlyEvent Analytics event fired when read-only mode is enabled or disabledMonitoringAnalytics This class holds all analytic events which are used for monitoring config.MonitoringAnalytics.AppMonitoringToggledAnalyticsEvent MonitoringAnalytics.IpdMonitoringToggledAnalyticsEvent MonitoringAnalytics.JmxToggledAnalyticsEvent MonitoringStatsAnalyticEvent Analytic event fired daily with current state of monitoring features.PageCopiedAnalyticsEvent SharedDraftCreatedEvent SharedDraftPublishedEvent SharedDraftUpdatedEvent UserRemoveDoneAnalyticsEvent Analytics event fired when a user is removedUserRemoveInitiatedAnalyticsEvent Analytics event fired when a user is removed