Class LongRunningTaskMovePageCommandDecorator

    • Method Detail

      • getPage

        public Page getPage()
        Specified by:
        getPage in interface MovePageCommand
        the page which will be moved (or which has been moved, if the command has been executed)
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Description copied from interface: ServiceCommand
        Determine if the command is in a valid state to be executed. If this method returns true, then ServiceCommand.execute() is be expected to perform successfully (unless prevented by some system error). If this method returns false, execute will fail with a NotValidException.

        This method should be called after checking ServiceCommand.isAuthorized(). If the current user is not authorized to execute this command, this method must throw a NotAuthorizedException.

        If this method returns false, then ServiceCommand.getValidationErrors() must return a non-empty list of errors explaining why the command was not valid. If this method returns true, the collection returned by getValidationErrors() must be empty.

        Specified by:
        isValid in interface ServiceCommand
        true if the command is in a valid state to be executed, false otherwise
      • isAuthorized

        public boolean isAuthorized()
        Description copied from interface: ServiceCommand
        Determine if the current user is authorized to execute this command. The "current user" for a command is the user returned by AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.get().
        Specified by:
        isAuthorized in interface ServiceCommand
        true if the current user is authorized to execute this command, false otherwise.
      • execute

        public void execute()
        Description copied from interface: ServiceCommand
        Execute the command. After execution, the command should offer any indication of the results or products of the command as implementation-specific getter methods.
        Specified by:
        execute in interface ServiceCommand
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in interface com.atlassian.core.task.longrunning.LongRunningTask
      • getLongTaskId

        public String getLongTaskId()