Interface ViewMacroMarshallerFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ViewMacroMarshallerFactory
    A factory specifically for creating Marshaller for MacroDefinitions involved in the view rendering of Links.
    • Method Detail

      • newMacroMarshaller

        Marshaller<MacroDefinition> newMacroMarshaller()
        Get a new instance of the default view macro Marshaller.
        a new instance of a Marshaller suitable for view marshalling of macros
      • newMacroMarshaller

        Marshaller<MacroDefinition> newMacroMarshaller​(MacroManager macroManager,
                                                       Marshaller<MacroDefinition> unknownMacroMarshaller,
                                                       ViewMacroErrorPlaceholder viewMacroErrorPlaceholder)
        Get a new instance of a macro Marshaller which uses the supplied MacroManager, unknown macro Marshaller and ViewMacroErrorPlaceholder.

        If any of the parameters are null then the default version will be used in the returned marshaller.

        macroManager - a custom macro manager to be used by the returned Marshaller
        unknownMacroMarshaller -
        viewMacroErrorPlaceholder -
        a new MacroDefinition Marshaller using the supplied constituent components.
      • newUnknownMacroMarshaller

        Marshaller<MacroDefinition> newUnknownMacroMarshaller()
        a new instance of a macro marshaller to be used for marshalling unknown macros.