Class LongRunningTaskMonitorAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • LongRunningTaskMonitorAction

        public LongRunningTaskMonitorAction()
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public String execute()
        Specified by:
        execute in interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action
        execute in class com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport
      • getTaskName

        public String getTaskName()
      • getCurrentStatus

        public String getCurrentStatus()
      • getTask

        public com.atlassian.core.task.longrunning.LongRunningTask getTask()
      • getPrettyElapsedTime

        public String getPrettyElapsedTime()
      • getPrettyTimeRemaining

        public String getPrettyTimeRemaining()
      • doTaskStatus

        public String doTaskStatus()
        Refreshes the task object in the context for displaying the status of the long running task - note that if the task was queued instead of started immediately, taskId needs to be defined.
      • getTaskId

        public String getTaskId()
      • setTaskId

        public void setTaskId​(String taskId)