DefaultPluginUpgradeFinalizationManager |
An sub-class of SAL's DefaultPluginUpgradeManager that specifically manages the lifecycle of
PluginUpgradeFinalizationTask s in the context of ZDU,
ExecutionStrategyTemplate<S> |
Template for service executions
ForkAndJoinExecutionStrategy<S> |
Fans executions out and joins them.
MeasuringPluginUpgradeManager |
Measures the execution times of individual upgrade tasks.
ModuleExecutionFilter<S> |
Filters by ModuleCompleteKey .
SequentialExecutionStrategy<S> |
Executes in the registration order.
ServiceExecutionStrategyComposite<S> |
Composite for different service execution strategies.
ServiceExecutionTemplate<S,R> |
Template for service executions.
SpringManagedModuleReferenceParser |
Derives a ModuleCompleteKey from a dynamic module service export.
StaticServiceExecution<S,R> |
Delegates service execution to a callback.
TenantAwareLifecycleManager |
Keeps track of which LifecycleAware s have been run for each Tenant .