Interface UpgradeFinalizationManager.Run

    • Method Detail

      • getRequestTimestamp

        long getRequestTimestamp()
        Obtains the timestamp when the finalization is requested to the cluster. This will return the same value for all the nodes in the cluster for any given cluster request. This is used to filter out stale results from remote nodes (e.g. due to event propagation delay).
        timestamp in milliseconds
      • completedTimestamp

        Long completedTimestamp()
        Obtains the timestamp when the run was completed.
        timestamp in milliseconds, or null if the run is still currently in progress.
      • isDatabaseUpgrade

        boolean isDatabaseUpgrade()
        true if the current node is the nominated node to run DatabaseUpgradeTasks on the cluster.
      • getException

        UpgradeException getException()
        the exception if finalization failed, or null of it completed successfully
      • getLastTask

        UpgradeTask getLastTask()
        the last upgrade-task that got executed (or null if no task got executed)