Class DefaultSpaceManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultSpaceManager

        public DefaultSpaceManager()
    • Method Detail

      • getClusterLockService

        public com.atlassian.beehive.ClusterLockService getClusterLockService()
      • setClusterLockService

        public void setClusterLockService​(com.atlassian.beehive.ClusterLockService clusterLockService)
      • setHibernateSessionManager

        public void setHibernateSessionManager​(HibernateSessionManager5 hibernateSessionManager)
      • setPageManager

        public void setPageManager​(PageManager pageManager)
      • setPageTemplateManager

        public void setPageTemplateManager​(PageTemplateManager pageTemplateManager)
      • setBandanaPersister

        public void setBandanaPersister​(com.atlassian.bandana.BandanaPersister bandanaPersister)
      • setSpaceDao

        public void setSpaceDao​(SpaceDao spaceDao)
      • setSpaceDescriptionManager

        public void setSpaceDescriptionManager​(SpaceDescriptionManager spaceDescriptionManager)
      • setSpacePermissionQueryManager

        public void setSpacePermissionQueryManager​(SpacePermissionQueryManager spacePermissionQueryManager)
      • getSpace

        public Space getSpace​(long id)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Retrieve a space by its ID. The space can be of any type.
        Specified by:
        getSpace in interface SpaceManager
        id - the ID of the space
        the space, or null if no space exists with that id.
      • getSpace

        public @Nullable Space getSpace​(@Nullable String spaceKey)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Retrieve a space by its key. The space can be of any type.
        Specified by:
        getSpace in interface SpaceManager
        spaceKey - the space key of the space to retrieve
        the space, or null if no space exists with that key
      • setUserAccessor

        public void setUserAccessor​(UserAccessor userAccessor)
      • setGroupManager

        public void setGroupManager​(com.atlassian.user.GroupManager groupManager)
      • setPermissionCheckExemptions

        public void setPermissionCheckExemptions​(PermissionCheckExemptions permissionCheckExemptions)
      • removeSpace

        public @NonNull Boolean removeSpace​(String spaceKey,
                                            com.atlassian.core.util.ProgressMeter progressMeter)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Removes a space with a given spaceKey (case sensitive). This must be passed a progress monitor which will be updated with internationalised status while the space is being removed. Ideally this should be done from a long running task, since it can be very slow and it clears the current Hibernate session.
        Specified by:
        removeSpace in interface SpaceManager
        spaceKey - the key of the space to remove
        progressMeter - will be updated with status messages and percentage completed. Not Null.
        true if the space was successfully removed.
      • getAllSpaces

        public @NonNull List<Space> getAllSpaces()
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Finds all spaces in Confluence, of any type, sorted alphabetically by space name.
        Specified by:
        getAllSpaces in interface SpaceManager
        List of spaces
      • getSpacesContainingPagesEditedBy

        public @NonNull List getSpacesContainingPagesEditedBy​(String username)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Returns Pages that are either created or edited by the specified user
        Specified by:
        getSpacesContainingPagesEditedBy in interface SpaceManager
        username - a username
        Pages that are either created or edited by the specified user
      • createPrivateSpace

        public @NonNull Space createPrivateSpace​(String key,
                                                 String name,
                                                 @Nullable String description,
                                                 com.atlassian.user.User creator)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Creates a Space for which only the creator has any permissions
        Specified by:
        createPrivateSpace in interface SpaceManager
      • createPersonalSpace

        public @NonNull Space createPersonalSpace​(String name,
                                                  @Nullable String description,
                                                  com.atlassian.user.User owner)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Creates a personal space. The difference to a normal space are that this space will have a type "personal" and the user passed to this space should not be the creator, but is the owner of the space.
        Specified by:
        createPersonalSpace in interface SpaceManager
      • createPrivatePersonalSpace

        public @NonNull Space createPrivatePersonalSpace​(String name,
                                                         @Nullable String description,
                                                         com.atlassian.user.User owner)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Create a personal Space for which only the creator has any permissions
        Specified by:
        createPrivatePersonalSpace in interface SpaceManager
      • createSpace

        public @NonNull Space createSpace​(Space space)
        since 4.3. Use {#link #createSpace(String key, String name, String description, User creator)} instead
        Specified by:
        createSpace in interface SpaceManager
        space - the space to create
        the newly created space
      • getPersonalSpace

        public @Nullable Space getPersonalSpace​(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Get the personal space of the given user.
        Specified by:
        getPersonalSpace in interface SpaceManager
        user - the user to get the space for. If user is null, the method will return null
        the personal space of the user if one exists, otherwise null.
      • findPageTotal

        public long findPageTotal​(Space space)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Get the number of pages in a space. This counts all pages, including non-current versions, and including pages that are in the trash. As such, it probably doesn't do what you think it does.
        Specified by:
        findPageTotal in interface SpaceManager
        space - the space to count pages in
        the number of pages in that space
      • setEventPublisher

        public void setEventPublisher​(com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher eventPublisher)
      • getNumberOfBlogPosts

        public int getNumberOfBlogPosts​(Space space)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Get the number of blog posts in a space. This counts all news, including non-current versions, and including news that is in the trash. As such, it probably doesn't do what you think it does.
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfBlogPosts in interface SpaceManager
        space - the space to count pages in
        the number of blog posts (news items) in that space
      • getSpaceFromPageId

        public @Nullable String getSpaceFromPageId​(long pageId)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Get the key for a space from its pageId in a single db call
        Specified by:
        getSpaceFromPageId in interface SpaceManager
        pageId - the id of the page to look for
        the key for the space containing the given page
      • ensureSpaceDescriptionExists

        public void ensureSpaceDescriptionExists​(Space space)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        If the given Space does not have a description, creates one for it, and saves it.

        This is required for CONF-4080, because labels on a Space are attached to a Space Description.

        Specified by:
        ensureSpaceDescriptionExists in interface SpaceManager
        space - an existing space. Not null.
      • setNotificationManager

        public void setNotificationManager​(NotificationManager notificationManager)
      • setLabelManager

        public void setLabelManager​(LabelManager labelManager)
      • setAttachmentManager

        public void setAttachmentManager​(AttachmentManager attachmentManager)
      • setSettingsManager

        public void setSettingsManager​(SettingsManager settingsManager)
      • setI18NBeanFactory

        public void setI18NBeanFactory​(I18NBeanFactory i18NBeanFactory)
      • getSpaces

        public final @NonNull PageResponse<Space> getSpaces​(SpacesQuery query,
                                                            LimitedRequest limitedRequest,
                                                            Predicate<? super Space>... filter)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManagerInternal
        get a paginated list of spaces that match the spaceQuery, filtered by the given predicate
        Specified by:
        getSpaces in interface SpaceManagerInternal
        query - - the query to use to fetch the spaces from the databases
        limitedRequest - - the pagination request limit
        filter - - the filter to apply to the requested spaces
        a PageResponse of matching spaces
      • getSpaceAdmins

        public @NonNull List<com.atlassian.user.User> getSpaceAdmins​(Space space)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Returns a list of administrators for a given space, sorted by full name
        Specified by:
        getSpaceAdmins in interface SpaceManager
      • getSpaceAdmins

        public @NonNull List<com.atlassian.user.User> getSpaceAdmins​(Space space,
                                                                     int limit)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Returns a list of administrators for a given space, sorted by full name, up to the size limit
        Specified by:
        getSpaceAdmins in interface SpaceManager
      • setAccessModeManager

        public void setAccessModeManager​(AccessModeManager accessModeManager)
      • setBulkPermissionService

        public void setBulkPermissionService​(BulkPermissionService bulkPermissionService)
      • archiveSpace

        public void archiveSpace​(Space space)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Archive the space. Archived spaces are removed from various lists and search results to unclutter the user interface. If the space is archived, this method does nothing.
        Specified by:
        archiveSpace in interface SpaceManager
        space - the space to archive.
      • unarchiveSpace

        public void unarchiveSpace​(Space space)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Un-archive the space. If the space is already un-archived, this method does nothing.
        Specified by:
        unarchiveSpace in interface SpaceManager
        space - the space to archive.
      • getAllSpaceKeys

        public @NonNull Collection<String> getAllSpaceKeys​(SpaceStatus status)
        Description copied from interface: SpaceManager
        Get the space keys of all spaces with the given status.
        Specified by:
        getAllSpaceKeys in interface SpaceManager
        status - the status to search for
        the keys of all spaces with that status.