Class ProjectedSearchResult

    • Method Detail

      • getExtraFields

        public Map<String,​String> getExtraFields()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        If the retrieved documents contain additional fields that cannot be directly accessed by this interface then they can be retrieved via this method.

        The field names are abstracted from the underlying search implementation and will be centrally defined. Their values are not yet documented.

        Specified by:
        getExtraFields in interface SearchResult
        Map of additional field names and their values.
      • getResultExcerpt

        public String getResultExcerpt()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets excerpt from the context of the search result. Implementation could choose how to generate the result excerpts, for example, concatenated fragments of the document content where hits are found, or simply the first few words of the document.
        Specified by:
        getResultExcerpt in interface SearchResult
        excerpt of the content of the search result
      • getDisplayTitleWithHighlights

        public String getDisplayTitleWithHighlights()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets the title of the search result appropriate for displaying to a user with matches highlighted. All results should return something useful for this method.
        Specified by:
        getDisplayTitleWithHighlights in interface SearchResult
        the title of the search result appropriate for display on a page with matches highlighted
      • getContent

        public String getContent()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets the text content of the search result.
        Specified by:
        getContent in interface SearchResult
        the text content of the search result
      • isHomePage

        public boolean isHomePage()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Checks if the search result represents the homepage of a space.
        Specified by:
        isHomePage in interface SearchResult
        true if the result represents the homepage of a space
      • getLastModificationDate

        public Date getLastModificationDate()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets the last modification date of the entity represented by the search result.
        Specified by:
        getLastModificationDate in interface SearchResult
        the last modification date of the entity
      • getLastModifierUser

        public ConfluenceUser getLastModifierUser()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets the last person to modify the entity represented by the search result.
        Specified by:
        getLastModifierUser in interface SearchResult
        the result's last modifier
      • getDisplayTitle

        public String getDisplayTitle()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets the title of the search result appropriate for displaying to a user. All results should return something useful for this method.
        Specified by:
        getDisplayTitle in interface SearchResult
        the title of the search result appropriate for display on a page
        See Also:
      • getUrlPath

        public String getUrlPath()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets the URL path to the search result, relative to the site's context root. All results should return something useful for this method
        Specified by:
        getUrlPath in interface SearchResult
        the URL path to the search result
        See Also:
      • getLastUpdateDescription

        public String getLastUpdateDescription()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets some string describing the last modification to this content. May be null if no such string is available. For content objects, this will be the same as the "version comment"

        This string is user-supplied, and therefore not internationalised

        Specified by:
        getLastUpdateDescription in interface SearchResult
        a string describing the last modification to the content
        See Also:
      • getSpaceName

        public String getSpaceName()
        Specified by:
        getSpaceName in interface SearchResult
        the name of the space that contains this search result.
      • getSpaceKey

        public String getSpaceKey()
        Specified by:
        getSpaceKey in interface SearchResult
        the key of the space that contains this search result
      • hasLabels

        public boolean hasLabels()
        Specified by:
        hasLabels in interface SearchResult
        true if this search result has labels, false otherwise.
      • getLabels

        public Set<String> getLabels​(com.atlassian.user.User user)
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets the labels on the current search result that are visible to the specified user.
        Specified by:
        getLabels in interface SearchResult
        user - filter labels by this user
        the labels on the current search result that are visible to the specified user.
      • getPersonalLabels

        public Set<String> getPersonalLabels()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets all the personal labels on the current search result.
        Specified by:
        getPersonalLabels in interface SearchResult
        all the personal labels on the current search result
      • getCreatorUser

        public ConfluenceUser getCreatorUser()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        Gets the person who created the entity represented by the search result.
        Specified by:
        getCreatorUser in interface SearchResult
        the result's creator
      • getOwnerType

        public String getOwnerType()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        If this result represents an attachment then this field will return the type of the container, a page or blogpost.
        Specified by:
        getOwnerType in interface SearchResult
        the owner type
      • getOwnerTitle

        public String getOwnerTitle()
        Description copied from interface: SearchResult
        If this result represents an attachment then this field will return the title of the page or blog post the attachment is attached to.
        Specified by:
        getOwnerTitle in interface SearchResult
        the owner title
      • getHandle

        public Handle getHandle()
        Description copied from interface: BaseSearchResult
        Retrieves the handle that can then be used by the AnyTypeDao to retrieve the database object referenced by this search result.

        Because the database and index are not updated at the same time, it is possible for a deleted entity to still be represented in the search index. Do not assume that this handle will always refer to a live object.

        Specified by:
        getHandle in interface BaseSearchResult
        the handle that can be used to look up the underlying database object.
        See Also:
      • getField

        public String getField​(String fieldName)
        Description copied from interface: BaseSearchResult
        Returns the contents of the field as a string. This method will return null if there is no content for the field or the field does not exist. FieldName is case sensitive.
        Specified by:
        getField in interface BaseSearchResult
        the field value or null.
      • getFieldValues

        public Set<String> getFieldValues​(String fieldName)
        Description copied from interface: BaseSearchResult
        Return set of string values of a field of a given document, if the field has single value then return singleton set of that value, if there is no such field then return empty set.
        Specified by:
        getFieldValues in interface BaseSearchResult
        the field values or null.