Interface NotificationsSender

    • Method Detail

      • sendNotification

        void sendNotification​(Notification notification,
                              NotificationData notificationData,
                              ConversionContext conversionContext)
        Sends content-based notifications. Generates link to stop watching a notification and adds a link to manage content notification settings
        notification - the watch that triggered the notification being sent
        notificationData - data for rendering the email
        conversionContext - conversionContext specific to the type of entity the email is being sent about
      • sendPageNotifications

        void sendPageNotifications​(AbstractPage page,
                                   NotificationData notificationData,
                                   ConversionContext conversionContext)
        Sends page based notifications.
        page - the page related to the notifications to be sent.
        notificationData - data for rendering the email
        conversionContext - conversionContext specific to the type of entity the email is being sent about
      • sendSpaceNotifications

        void sendSpaceNotifications​(Space space,
                                    NotificationData notificationData,
                                    ConversionContext conversionContext)
        Sends space based notifications.
        space - the space related to the notifications to be sent.
      • sendNetworkNotifications

        void sendNetworkNotifications​(NotificationData notificationData,
                                      ConversionContext conversionContext)
        Sends notifications based on users following other users.
      • sendNotifications

        void sendNotifications​(List<Notification> notifications,
                               NotificationData notificationData,
                               ConversionContext conversionContext)
        Sends the notificationData to each user listed in notifications, as long as they are permitted to see it.