Class NotificationsRpc

  • public class NotificationsRpc
    extends Object
    Wraps the ConfluenceRpc object for notification-specific calls.

    All `watch*` calls are synced on event queue in order to avoid race condition when user starts watching space before first space page get created

    • Method Detail

      • watchSiteBlogs

        public void watchSiteBlogs​(User user)
      • watchSpace

        public void watchSpace​(User user,
                               Space space)
        Watch all content in a space.
        user - to watch content for
        space - to watch content in
      • watchSpace

        public void watchSpace​(User user,
                               Space space,
                               ContentTypeEnum contentType)
        Watch all content of a certain type in a space.
        user - to watch content for
        space - to watch content in
        contentType - type of content to watch (usually blogpost)
      • watchSpace

        public void watchSpace​(Space space)
        Watch a space as the current user.
      • watchPage

        public void watchPage​(AbstractPageEntity page)
        Watch a page as the current user.
      • watchPageForUser

        public void watchPageForUser​(AbstractPageEntity page,
                                     User user)
        Add a page watch for the specified user.
        page - the page whose watches will be checked, this must have its correct id set.
      • unwatchPageForUser

        public void unwatchPageForUser​(AbstractPageEntity page,
                                       User user)
        Removes a page watch for the specified user.
        page - the page to stop watching
        user - the user who no longer wants to watch
      • isWatchingPage

        public boolean isWatchingPage​(AbstractPageEntity page,
                                      User user)
        Check whether the given user is watching the given page.
        page - the page whose watches will be checked, this must have its correct id set.
      • isWatchingSpace

        public boolean isWatchingSpace​(Space space,
                                       User user)
        Check whether the given user is watching the given space.
      • isWatchingSpaceForType

        public boolean isWatchingSpaceForType​(Space space,
                                              ContentTypeEnum contentType,
                                              User user)
        Check whether the given user is watching the given content type (e.g. blogs) in the space.
      • watchNetwork

        public void watchNetwork​(User user,
                                 boolean watchingNetwork)
        Sets Network watch emails for a user to enabled or disabled.
        user - the user to set the watch state for
        watchingNetwork - true if the user should watch their network, false if not
      • getWatchersForPage

        public Collection<User> getWatchersForPage​(AbstractPageEntity page)
        Gets all watchers of a page.
        page - page to get watchers from