Class LabelsRpc

  • public class LabelsRpc
    extends Object
    Makes CRUD RPC calls for Labels and Labelled content.
    • Method Detail

      • addLabelToLabelable

        public void addLabelToLabelable​(long labelableId,
                                        LabelableType type,
                                        String label)
      • addLabel

        public boolean addLabel​(long labelId,
                                long contentId)
        Adds a label to the content specified by the supplied contentId
        labelId - id of the label to add
        contentId - id of a page or blogpost to add the label to
        true if the label is successfully added
      • addLabelByObject

        public boolean addLabelByObject​(Object remoteLabel,
                                        Page page)
        Adds a label to the specified page
        remoteLabel - the object retrieved from a direct call to an rpc method that returns a label, i.e. this parameter should be the return value of ConfluenceRpc.execute(String, Object...) and not any of wrapper methods that return a Label object
        page - page to add the label to
        true if the label is successfully added
      • getContentForAllLabels

        public Hashtable<String,​Object> getContentForAllLabels​(int offset,
                                                                     int maxResults,
                                                                     String labelsString)
      • getAllContentForAllLabels

        public Hashtable<String,​Object> getAllContentForAllLabels​(int offset,
                                                                        int maxResults,
                                                                        String labelsString)
      • getContentInSpacesForAllLabels

        public Hashtable<String,​Object> getContentInSpacesForAllLabels​(int offset,
                                                                             int maxResults,
                                                                             String spaceKeys,
                                                                             String labelsString)
      • getLabels

        public List<Label> getLabels​(long pageId)
        Retrieves the labels for the page matching the specified pageId
        labels for the page
      • getLabels

        public List<Label> getLabels​(String labelName,
                                     String namespace,
                                     String spaceKey,
                                     String owner)
        Retrieves the labels matching the given labelName, namespace or owner. This method can be used to retrieve labels of a specific type, such as personal labels, by setting the namespace. Parameters with empty strings are ignored.
        labelName - the name of the label to search for (not parsed for prefixes)
        namespace - the namespace to restrict by
        spaceKey - the key of the space to restrict by
        owner - the owner of the labels
        labels matching the specified details
      • getMostPopularLabels

        public List<Label> getMostPopularLabels​(int maxCount)
        Returns the most popular labels
        maxCount - the maximum number of labels to return, or no limit if this is 0
        labels sorted by descending popularity
      • getMostPopularLabelsInSpace

        public List<Label> getMostPopularLabelsInSpace​(String spaceKey,
                                                       int maxCount)
        Returns the most popular labels in the space with the specified key
        spaceKey - key for the space
        maxCount - the maximum number of labels to return, or no limit if this is 0
        labels sorted by descending popularity
      • getRecentlyUsedLabels

        public List<Label> getRecentlyUsedLabels​(int maxCount)
        Returns the recently used labels for the Confluence instance, with a specified maximum number of results.
        maxCount - the maximum number of labels to return, or the default if this is 0
        labels sorted by most recent use
      • getRecentlyUsedLabelsInSpace

        public List<Label> getRecentlyUsedLabelsInSpace​(String spaceKey,
                                                        int maxCount)
        Returns the recently used labels in the space with the specified key
        spaceKey - key for the space
        maxCount - the maximum number of labels to return, or the default if this is 0
        labels sorted by most recent use
      • getRelatedLabels

        public List<Label> getRelatedLabels​(String labelName,
                                            int maxCount)
        Returns the labels related to the given label name
        labelName - name of the label to find related labels with
        maxCount - the maximum number of labels to return, or the default if this is 0
      • getRelatedLabelsInSpace

        public List<Label> getRelatedLabelsInSpace​(String labelName,
                                                   String spaceKey,
                                                   int maxCount)
        Returns the labels related to the given label name in the given space
        labelName - name of the label to find related labels with
        spaceKey - the key of the space to search in
        maxCount - the maximum number of labels to return, or the default if this is 0
      • getLabelContentById

        public List<SearchResult> getLabelContentById​(long labelId)
      • getLabelContentByObject

        public List<SearchResult> getLabelContentByObject​(Object remoteLabel)
        Returns the content for a given label object
        remoteLabel - the object retrieved from a direct call to an rpc method that returns a label, i.e. this parameter should be the return value of ConfluenceRpc.execute(String, Object...) and not any of wrapper methods that return a Label object
        content for the given label object