CacheableDirectoryInstanceLoader |
Caches the underlying remote directory base by id.
CachedCrowdApplicationDao |
CachedCrowdEntityCacheKey |
A composite key between an entity name and a directory Id.
CachedCrowdGroupDao |
A caching decorator for an InternalUserDao.
CachedCrowdInternalDirectoryGroup |
Immutable group for caching
CachedCrowdInternalMembershipDao |
Removes cached membership information as required by the bulk operations on the
InternalMembershipDao interface.
CachedCrowdMembershipCacheKey |
CachedCrowdMembershipDao |
Caches membership information.
CachedCrowdUser |
Immutable Timestamped user for caching
CachedCrowdUserDao |
A caching decorator for an InternalUserDao.
CachedOption<T> |
Container for caching crowd entities with the option to cache the entity or a representation that entity
does not exist.
CrowdLifecycle |
CrowdUserCache |
Represents a cache of TimestampedUser s.
DefaultApplicationCache |
DefaultGroupMembershipCache |
DefaultMembershipCache |
The cache maps a CachedCrowdMembershipCacheKey representing a user (or group) in a particular directory
to a Map<String, String> where each entry in the map represents a group that the user (or group)
is a member of.
NopCrowdAvatarProvider |
Stub implementation of the Crowd AvatarProvider interface.
TransactionalCrowdServiceWrapper |
AN implementation of UnfilteredCrowdService which exists solely as a place to hang Transactional
annotations on, since we cannot add them to UnfilteredCrowdService .
TransactionalDirectorySynchroniserHelperWrapper |
An implementation of DirectorySynchroniserHelper which exists solely as a place to hang Transactional
annotations on.