Class StripEmptySpansDiffPostProcessor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StripEmptySpansDiffPostProcessor
    extends Object
    implements DiffPostProcessor
    CONFDEV-6604 A DiffPostProcessor that removes any empty span elements from the document, since these are invalid html and make IE8 fail to render the page correctly.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StripEmptySpansDiffPostProcessor

        public StripEmptySpansDiffPostProcessor()
    • Method Detail

      • process

        public org.jdom.Document process​(org.jdom.Document document)
        Description copied from interface: DiffPostProcessor

        Perform some process on the supplied JDOM Document. The result of the process should be self contained with any exceptions being caught and a Document returned.

        It is expected that an implementation will make changes to the supplied Document parameter although this is not necessary since the result of the call is the input to the next stage.

        Specified by:
        process in interface DiffPostProcessor
        document - the Document from a previous step in the Diff generation process.
        the Document to be supplied to the next step in the Diff generation process. This must not be null.