Class RequestTimeThreadLocal

  • public class RequestTimeThreadLocal
    extends Object
    A thread-local for storing the time a request was received. This timestamp can be used for consistent date-time handling across all operations performed within the scope of a single request.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RequestTimeThreadLocal

        public RequestTimeThreadLocal()
    • Method Detail

      • setTime

        public static void setTime​(long currentTimeMillis)
        Sets the value of the thread-local. Should not be called by application code, but rather by a servlet filter which handles each request.
        currentTimeMillis - the timestamp to store, measured in milliseconds since the epoch defined by Date(long).
      • clearTime

        public static void clearTime()
        Clears the stored value of the thread-local. Should not be called by application code, but rather by the finally block in the servlet filter which calls setTime(long).
      • getTime

        public static long getTime()
        Retrieves the value of the request time thread-local. The value is measured in milliseconds since the epoch defined by Date(long).
        the value of the request time thread-local, or -1 if it has not been set.
      • getTimeOrNow

        public static Date getTimeOrNow()
        Returns the value of the request time thread-local converted to a new Date object. If the thread-local is not set, returns a new Date representing the current time.
        a Date with the time stored in the thread-local, or the a new Date with the current time if the thread-local is not set.