AbstractPageLocator |
CreateAbstractPageCommandImpl |
An abstract base class for create commands for AbstractPage subclasses such as Page or BlogPost
CreatePageCommandImpl |
An implementation of the CreatePageCommand that will create a page, and assign any provided permissions
then perform the clean up of any Drafts and raise the necessary event.
CreatePageFromExistingCommandImpl |
DeleteBlogPostCommand |
Service command for removing a blog post.
DeletePageCommand |
Service command for removing a page.
IdAndVersionPageLocator |
A page locator that uses the page Id to find an identified version of a page.
IdPageLocator |
A page locator that uses the page Id to find a page
LongRunningTaskMovePageCommandDecorator |
A Decorator for existing MovePageCommands to be run synchronously as a LongRunningTask.
MovePageAbstractCommand |
Base class for commands which are responsible for page moving
MovePageCommandHelper |
MovePageCommandImpl |
MovePageToTopOfSpaceCommand |
A command that moves a page to a top level of a given space.
RemoveAbstractPageVersionCommand |
Service command for removing a version of a page or blog post.
RemovePageVersionCommand |
Service command for removing a version of a page.
RevertContentToVersionCommand |
RevertPageCommand |
RevertPageOrderCommand |
Removes page position information from the children of the provided page, effectively
reverting their order to alphabetical.
SetPageOrderCommand |
SimpleContentPermissionProvider |
A ContentPermissionProvider which simply returns the ContentPermissions that have been set on it.
SinglePageLocator |
StringParsingContextProvider |
A CreateContextProvider which returns a context based on a supplied query string.
TitleAndSpaceKeyPageLocator |
Returns the page with the given space key and title.