Class WatchServiceImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WatchServiceImpl
    extends Object
    implements WatchService
    • Method Detail

      • isWatchingSpace

        public boolean isWatchingSpace​(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey userKey,
                                       String spaceKey,
                                       ContentType contentType)
        Specified by:
        isWatchingSpace in interface WatchService
        userKey - the watcher
        spaceKey - the key of the space to check
        contentType - the content type
        whether the user is watching the specific content type in the given space or not
      • watchSpace

        public final @NonNull SpaceWatch watchSpace​(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey userKey,
                                                    String spaceKey,
                                                    List<ContentType> contentTypes)
        Description copied from interface: WatchService
        Create a watch to the given space
        Specified by:
        watchSpace in interface WatchService
        userKey - the key of the user to add as a watcher
        spaceKey - the key of the space to add the watch for
        contentTypes - the content types to remove the watch for, currently only ContentType.BLOG_POST is supported if supplied
      • watchSpace

        public final @NonNull SpaceWatch watchSpace​(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey userKey,
                                                    String spaceKey)
        Description copied from interface: WatchService
        Create a watch to the given space
        Specified by:
        watchSpace in interface WatchService
        userKey - the key of the user to add as a watcher
        spaceKey - the key of the space to add the watch for
      • unwatchSpace

        public final void unwatchSpace​(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey userKey,
                                       String spaceKey,
                                       List<ContentType> contentTypes)
        Description copied from interface: WatchService
        Remove a watch to the given space
        Specified by:
        unwatchSpace in interface WatchService
        userKey - the key of the user to add as a watcher
        spaceKey - the key of the space to remove the watch for
        contentTypes - the content type to remove the watch for, currently only ContentType.BLOG_POST is supported if supplied
      • unwatchSpace

        public final void unwatchSpace​(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey userKey,
                                       String spaceKey)
        Description copied from interface: WatchService
        Remove a watch to the given space
        Specified by:
        unwatchSpace in interface WatchService
        userKey - the key of the user to add as a watcher
        spaceKey - the key of the space to remove the watch for
      • isWatchingSpace

        public final boolean isWatchingSpace​(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey userKey,
                                             String spaceKey)
        Specified by:
        isWatchingSpace in interface WatchService
        userKey - the watcher
        spaceKey - the key of the space to check
        whether the user is watching the given space or not
      • watchContent

        public final ContentWatch watchContent​(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey userKey,
                                               ContentId contentId)
        Description copied from interface: WatchService
        Create a watch to the given content
        Specified by:
        watchContent in interface WatchService
        userKey - the key of the user to add as a watcher
        contentId - the id of the content to add the watch for
      • unwatchContent

        public final void unwatchContent​(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey userKey,
                                         ContentId contentId)
        Description copied from interface: WatchService
        Remove a watch to the given content
        Specified by:
        unwatchContent in interface WatchService
        userKey - the key of the user to add as a watcher
        contentId - the id of the content to remove the watch for
      • isWatchingContent

        public final boolean isWatchingContent​(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey userKey,
                                               ContentId contentId)
        Specified by:
        isWatchingContent in interface WatchService
        userKey - the watcher
        contentId - the id of the content to check
        whether the user is watching the given content or not