Class UsernameToUserTranslatingPaginationSupport

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UsernameToUserTranslatingPaginationSupport
    extends PaginationSupport<com.atlassian.user.User>
    A special pagination support class to translate results of membership search to user objects.

    HACK this class relies on being able to set the underlying list of items as Strings, but using inheritance to do this is evil. Needs a complete rewrite or replacement.

    • Constructor Detail

      • UsernameToUserTranslatingPaginationSupport

        public UsernameToUserTranslatingPaginationSupport​(int pageSize,
                                                          int startIndexValue)
        A special pagination support class to translate results of membership search to user objects.
        pageSize - Number of results to display on each page
        startIndexValue - Make sure you use the getStartIndexValue() to re-instate this value, and not getStartIndex()
    • Method Detail

      • getPage

        public List<com.atlassian.user.User> getPage()
        Description copied from class: PaginationSupport
        Returns a subset of the list of items passed in, based on startIndex and the page size
        Specified by:
        getPage in interface PaginationSupport<com.atlassian.user.User>
        getPage in class PaginationSupport<com.atlassian.user.User>
        a subset of the list of items passed in, based on startIndex and the page size
      • setUserAccessor

        public void setUserAccessor​(UserAccessor userAccessor)