Class ClasspathThemeStylesheet

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClasspathThemeStylesheet

        public ClasspathThemeStylesheet​(String moduleKey,
                                        String name,
                                        String location)
    • Method Detail

      • getLocation

        public String getLocation()
        Description copied from interface: ThemeResource
        Returns the location of this resource as defined in the plugin xml.
        Specified by:
        getLocation in interface ThemeResource
      • getCompleteModuleKey

        public String getCompleteModuleKey()
        Description copied from interface: ThemeResource
        Returns the plugin module key which this stylesheet belongs to, or the plugin key if the resource is specified at the plugin level. Returns null if the resource is not part of a plugin.
        Specified by:
        getCompleteModuleKey in interface ThemeResource
      • isIeOnly

        public boolean isIeOnly()
        Description copied from interface: ThemeResource
        Returns true iff the ieonly param is set to true in the plugin, false otherwise.
        Specified by:
        isIeOnly in interface ThemeResource
        true if the ieonly param is set to true.