ApplicationStatusServlet |
Servlet that provides application status information.
ConfluenceContentTypeResolver |
ConfluenceNoOpServlet |
No op servlet for CONF-7953
ConfluenceServletContextFactory |
ConfluenceVelocityServlet |
An improved WW VelocityServlet which doesn't load velocity twice!
CssServlet |
ExportWordPageServer |
Export a page as HTML which Microsoft Word will understand.
FileServerServlet |
Serves files from Confluence: attachments, custom resources, thumbnails, plugin resources, etc.
FourOhFourErrorLoggingFilter |
HttpPreventCachingFilter |
Filter that applies a HTTP caching strategy over the Likes REST API.
ImageCaptchaServlet |
JohnsonAnalyticsServlet |
Handles requests from the Johnson page to send analytics events.
JohnsonAnalyticsServlet.EventKbArticleClickedHandler |
Handles the user clicking the link for a KB article that relates to a specific event.
JohnsonAnalyticsServlet.GeneralKbArticleLinkClickedHandler |
Handles the user clicking the link for a general (non-event-related) KB article.
JohnsonDataServlet |
Responds with a JSON-ified version of the current Johnson Event s.
JohnsonDismissEventsServlet |
REST endpoint to dismiss Johnson events.
LabelServlet |
Simple servlet to map requests to /label/<spaceKey>/<labelName/> or /label/<labelName> to /labels/viewlabel.action
The label name is mandatory, the space key is optional, restricting the view of the label to a specific space.
ReadyToServeServlet |
Servlet used to log an application ready message to the lifecycle log, and marks that the last servlet has loaded.
ServletModuleContainerServlet |
SpringManagedServlet |
Servlet that defers all its execution to a Spring-bean.
TinyUrlServlet |