Class ChildContentResource

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChildContentResource

        public ChildContentResource​(ChildContentService childContentService)
    • Method Detail

      • children

        public Map<ContentType,​PageResponse<Content>> children​(ContentId contentId,
                                                                     String expand,
                                                                     Integer parentVersion,
                                                                     int start,
                                                                     int limit,
                                                              throws ServiceException
        Returns a map of the direct children of a piece of Content. Content can have multiple types of children - for example a Page can have children that are also Pages, but it can also have Comments and Attachments.

        The ContentType(s) of the children returned is specified by the "expand" query parameter in the request - this parameter can include expands for multiple child types.
        If no types are included in the expand parameter, the map returned will just list the child types that are available to be expanded for the Content referenced by the "id" path parameter.

        Example request URI(s):

        contentId - a string containing the id of the content to retrieve children for
        expand - a comma separated list of properties to expand on the children
        parentVersion - an int representing the version of the content to retrieve children for
        uriInfo - (injected) information about the request URI
        a JSON Map of the children, keyed by their ContentTypes, or a 404 NOT FOUND if there is no content with the given id or if the user is not permitted to see it.
        ServiceException - if the request cannot be satisfied for any reason
      • childrenOfType

        public RestList<Content> childrenOfType​(ContentId contentId,
                                                ContentType type,
                                                String expand,
                                                Integer parentVersion,
                                                int start,
                                                int limit,
                                         throws ServiceException
        Returns the direct children of a piece of Content, limited to a single child type.

        The ContentType(s) of the children returned is specified by the "type" path parameter in the request.

        Example request URI(s):

        contentId - a string containing the id of the content to retrieve children for
        type - a ContentType to filter children on.
        expand - a comma separated list of properties to expand on the children
        parentVersion - an int representing the version of the content to retrieve children for
        start - (optional, default: 0) the index of the first item within the result set that should be returned
        limit - (optional, default: site limit) how many items should be returned after the start index
        uriInfo - (injected) information about the request URI
        a JSON Map of the children, keyed by their ContentTypes, or a 404 NOT FOUND if there is no content with the given id or if the user is not permitted to see it.
        ServiceException - if the request cannot be satisfied for any reason
      • commentsOfContent

        public RestList<Content> commentsOfContent​(ContentId contentId,
                                                   String expand,
                                                   Integer parentVersion,
                                                   int start,
                                                   int limit,
                                                   Set<String> location,
                                                   String depth,
                                            throws ServiceException
        Returns the comments of a content

        Example request URI(s):

        contentId - a string containing the id of the content to retrieve children for
        expand - a comma separated list of properties to expand on the children. We can also specify some extensions such as extensions.inlineProperties (for getting inline comment-specific properties) or extensions.resolution for the resolution status of each comment in the results
        parentVersion - an int representing the version of the content to retrieve children for
        start - (optional, default: 0) the index of the first item within the result set that should be returned
        limit - (optional, default: site limit) how many items should be returned after the start index
        location - (optional, default: "" means all) the location of the comments. Possible values are: "inline", "footer", "resolved". You can define multiple location params. The results will be the comments matched by any location.
        depth - (optional, default: "") the depth of the comments. Possible values are: "" (ROOT only), "all"
        uriInfo - (injected) information about the request URI
        a JSON Map of the children, keyed by their ContentTypes, or a 404 NOT FOUND if there is no content with the given id or if the user is not permitted to see it.
        ServiceException - if the request cannot be satisfied for any reason