Class I18nResource

  • public class I18nResource
    extends AbstractResource
    Rest resource for accessing translations in Confluence.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public get​(Set<String> pluginKeys,
                                             boolean rawValue)
        Returns the text for the given plugin keys.
        all the translated keys for the given plugin keys.
      • getI18n

        public getI18n​(String pluginKey,
                                                 boolean rawValue)
        Returns the text for the given plugin key. If the specified plugin key does not exist, or the caller does not have permission to access the plugin texts, the response is HTTP 404 (not found). Note that only JSON is returned. An example URL including a plugin key would look like this: http://host/confluence/rest/prototype/1/i18n/com.atlassian.confluence.tinymceplugin
        pluginKey - The plugin key as it is defined in the atlassian-plugin.xml.
        all the translated keys for the given plugin key.