Class QuickNavResource

  • public class QuickNavResource
    extends Object
    This is the resource that provides QuickNav search endpoints to Confluence Users. Try and keep it light and make the ContentNameSearchService contain the majority of the logic.
    • Method Detail

      • getQuickNavResults

        public getQuickNavResults​(@Context
                                                            javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
                                                            String query,
                                                            List<String> types,
                                                            String spaceKey,
                                                            int maxPerCategory,
                                                            int limit)
        This is the primary Confluence QuickNav endpoint, it provides the majority (if not all) of the search results in the QuickNav dropdown.
        httpServletRequest - The HttpServletRequest that was made by this request. Important to know the request context.
        query - The actual query string that the user was searching for.
        types - Content is grouped by 'type'. This is a list of all of the 'types' of content that you wish to search through.
        spaceKey - You can provide the single key of a space to restrict the QuickNav search to results within that space.
        maxPerCategory - The maximum results per category/type that will be returned. Pass in null if you wish to use the default maxima.
        The QuickNav Search results.