Class LikableContentResource

  • public class LikableContentResource
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • getLikesForIds

        public getLikesForIds​(Set<Long> contentIds,
                                                        Integer max)
        Get the likes for a list of contents
        contentIds - a list of content IDs
        max - the maximum number of likes that can be returned
      • getLikes

        public getLikes​(Long contentId,
                                                  String expand,
                                                  Integer max,
                                                  Boolean commentLikes)
        expand - the name of the field in the JSON entity to expand. The value of "user" has been deprecated as the user will always be expanded.
      • addLike

        public addLike​(Long contentId)
      • removeLike

        public removeLike​(Long contentId)
      • getCommentLikes

        public getCommentLikes​(Long contentId)