Class OldAdminConsole

  • public class OldAdminConsole
    extends Object
    A version of the AdminConsole that works with the com.atlassian.confluence.setup.SetupOldConfluenceAcceptanceTest.

    See confluence.old.version in the confluence-multi-test POM for which version this is compatible with.

    Use AdminConsole where possible, this only contains overrides for functionality where the markup has changed.

    • Field Detail

      • log

        protected final transient org.slf4j.Logger log
    • Method Detail

      • getAdminConsole

        public static OldAdminConsole getAdminConsole​(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
      • addSmtpServer

        public void addSmtpServer​(String serverName,
                                  String from,
                                  String subjectPrefix,
                                  String hostname,
                                  int port)
        Adds a SMTP server to the Confluence configuration
        serverName - description of the server for Confluence
        from - emails sent via this server will have this value in the from header
        subjectPrefix - this prefix will be appended to all mail sent via this server
        hostname - the host name of the server to connect to
        port - the port of the server to connect to