Class ReIndexJobHelper

  • public class ReIndexJobHelper
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReIndexJobHelper

        public ReIndexJobHelper​(@NonNull restClient)
    • Method Detail

      • isReindexImprovementsEnabled

        public boolean isReindexImprovementsEnabled()
        Will tell you if the reindex improvements are enabled and thus if the bandana store for the ReIndexJobJson is available to query for the status.
        boolean true if the improvements are available.
      • waitForPossibleReindex

        public void waitForPossibleReindex​(@NonNull ConfluenceRpc rpc,
                                           @NonNull TimePeriod period,
                                           @Nullable Runnable runnable)
        Waits for a possible rebuild of the index. Triggers are for instance a global import or explicit calls to rebuild. If the reindex improvements are enabled, this will wait for propagation across a cluster. If not, it will wait using a latch on the ReindexFinishedEvent happening.
        rpc - ConfluenceRpc needed for the EventWaitingLatch
        period - TimePeriod before this method throws an exception
        runnable - Runnable optional task to perform that may cause reindexing