Interface GroupMembershipCache

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface GroupMembershipCache
    A direction agnostic cache of maps from directory ids and group names to groups. Can be used for caching the list of members of a group, or the list of groups that a group is a member of.
    • Method Detail

      • getGroupsForGroup

        List<> getGroupsForGroup​(long directoryId,
                                                                                       String groupName)
        Returns the list of groups which are cached for the given group name in the specified directory. or null if there is no cached list.
      • getGroupsForGroup

        List<> getGroupsForGroup​(long directoryId,
                                                                                       String groupName,
                                                                                       Supplier<List<>> groupLoader)
        Returns the list of groups which are cached for the given group name in the specified directory. If not in the cache, the given spplier will be called to provide a new list.
      • removeGroupGroupMemberships

        void removeGroupGroupMemberships​(long directoryId,
                                         String groupName)
        Removes any list of groups which are cached for the named group in the specified directory. Does nothing if there is no corresponding entry in the cache.
      • removeAllGroupMemberships

        void removeAllGroupMemberships​( group)
        Removes any entries in the cache which contain the group in its directory.

        This can be a slow operation if the cache is large. This is a trade-off of the cache design, which is optimised for fast retrieval of the list of groups cached for a group.

        Removes any GROUPS_FOR_GROUP entry in this cache for the passed in group.

      • removeAllDirectoryMemberships

        void removeAllDirectoryMemberships​(long directoryId)
        Removes any entries in the cache which relate to the specified directory.

        This can be a slow operation if the cache is large. This is a trade-off of the cache design, which is optimised for fast retrieval of the list of groups cached for a group.