Class HibernateSpacePermissionsFilterDao

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HibernateSpacePermissionsFilterDao
    extends Object
    implements SpacePermissionsFilterDao

    This implementation was created instead of just using the existing SpaceDao and SpacePermissionsDao for a few reasons -

    • Retrieving space objects from a named query results in you being returned Space proxies. The large number of calls to Space.getKey required by the SpacePermissionsFilter make this noticeably slow. By returning space keys a large performance improvement is achieved.
    • Retrieving the unpermitted space keys for a user allows a decision to be made by the SpacePermissionsFilter on whether to filter based on permitted spaces versus filtering on unpermitted. For a large number of spaces choosing the smaller of these two choices can make a performance difference.

    See Also: