Class EventPublishingHealthCheckAnalyticsSender

    • Constructor Detail

      • EventPublishingHealthCheckAnalyticsSender

        public EventPublishingHealthCheckAnalyticsSender​(HealthCheckAnalyticsEventFactory analyticsEventFactory,
                                                         com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher eventPublisher,
                                                         com.atlassian.johnson.JohnsonEventContainer johnsonEventContainer)
    • Method Detail

      • sendHealthCheckResult

        public void sendHealthCheckResult​(com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event johnsonEvent)
        Description copied from interface: HealthCheckAnalyticsSender
        If analytics are available, sends an analytics event relating to the given Johnson event.
        Specified by:
        sendHealthCheckResult in interface HealthCheckAnalyticsSender
        johnsonEvent - the Johnson event
      • sendHelpLinkClickedForEvent

        public void sendHelpLinkClickedForEvent​(String eventId)
        Description copied from interface: HealthCheckAnalyticsSender
        Sends an analytics event to indicate that the user (typically an admin) clicked a help link for a health check result on the Johnson page.
        Specified by:
        sendHelpLinkClickedForEvent in interface HealthCheckAnalyticsSender
        eventId - the unique ID of the Johnson event for which the user clicked the help link