Class DaisyHtmlDiffer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DaisyHtmlDiffer
    extends Object
    implements Differ
    Daisy HTML diff implementation.
    • Method Detail

      • diff

        public String diff​(ContentEntityObject leftContent,
                           ContentEntityObject rightContent)
        Description copied from interface: Differ
        Computes a diff between the specified left and right input.
        The html output will contain span tags with class="diff-html-added|diff-html-removed|diff-html-changed" to indicate differences.
        Specified by:
        diff in interface Differ
        leftContent - left input
        rightContent - right input
        a diff
      • diff

        public String diff​(String leftHtml,
                           String rightHtml,
                           org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
        Diff two pieces of XHTML content.
        leftHtml - the left HTML content
        rightHtml - the right HTML content
        progressMonitor - progress monitor to monitor timeout, etc
        String output of the diff result
      • diff

        public String diff​(String leftHtml,
                           String rightHtml,
                           org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
                           boolean useOldAlgorithm)
        Diff two pieces of XHTML content.
        leftHtml - the left HTML content
        rightHtml - the right HTML content
        progressMonitor - progress monitor to monitor timeout, etc
        useOldAlgorithm - if true, diff will use the old non-greedy algorithm, which can result in OOM issues for large diffs
        String output of the diff result