Class VersionHistorySummaryCollaborator

  • public class VersionHistorySummaryCollaborator
    extends Object
    Represents a collaborator and the version history of a piece of content they have worked on. Note that this is an interim object used to store a single result from the set returned by the query: confluence.content_findVersionHistory There may be other collaborators on the content which are not represented in a single VersionHistorySummaryCollaborator object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VersionHistorySummaryCollaborator

        public VersionHistorySummaryCollaborator​(long id,
                                                 int version,
                                                 Date lastModificationDate,
                                                 String versionComment,
                                                 ConfluenceUser lastModifier,
                                                 ConfluenceUser collaborator)
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public long getId()
      • getVersion

        public int getVersion()
      • getLastModificationDate

        public Date getLastModificationDate()
      • getVersionComment

        public String getVersionComment()