Class DateFormatter

  • public class DateFormatter
    extends Object
    Formats dates and times into a given timezone in a variety of formats. The actual formats are provided by the FormatSettingsManager which is passed to the constructor. Also allows for formatting into arbitrary formats.

    This class is not thread-safe, primarily because DateFormat implementations are not synchronised. You should construct one instance of this class per thread or request.

    TODO: Should support user locales

    • Method Detail

      • format

        public String format​(Date date)
        Formats the date and returns it as a string, using the date formatting pattern. This format might be 'yyyy-MM-dd' or something similar.

        The TimeZone specified in the constructor is used to convert the date from server time to the user's local time.

      • formatDateTime

        public String formatDateTime​(Date date)
        Formats the date and returns it as a string, using the date-time formatting pattern. This format might be 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' or something similar.

        The TimeZone specified in the constructor is used to convert the date from server time to the user's local time.

      • formatTime

        public String formatTime​(Date date)
        Formats the date and returns it as a string, using the time formatting pattern. This format might be 'HH:mm:ss' or something similar.

        The TimeZone specified in the constructor is used to convert the date from server time to the user's local time.

      • formatTimeMedium

        public String formatTimeMedium​(Date date)
        Formats the date and returns it as a string, using DateFormat.MEDIUM as the time formatting pattern.

        The TimeZone specified in the constructor is used to convert the date from server time to the user's local time.

      • formatDateFull

        public String formatDateFull​(Date date)
        Formats the date and returns it as a string, using DateFormat.FULL as the formatting pattern.

        The TimeZone specified in the constructor is used to convert the date from server time to the user's local time.

      • format

        public String format​(int formatOption,
                             Date date)
        Formats the date and returns it as a string with a formatOption defined in JDK.

        The TimeZone specified in the constructor is used to convert the date from server time to the user's local time.

      • formatServerDate

        public String formatServerDate​(Date date)
        Same as format(Date), but doesn't perform time zone conversion.

        This is typically used for formatting the posting dates of news items, which must be represented the same for all users.

      • formatServerDateWithUserLocale

        public String formatServerDateWithUserLocale​(int formatOption,
                                                     Date date)
        Same as format(int, Date), but doesn't perform time zone conversion.

        This is typically used for formatting the posting dates of news items, which must be represented the same for all users.

      • formatServerDateTime

        public String formatServerDateTime​(Date date)
        Same as formatDateTime(Date), but doesn't perform time zone conversion.

        This is typically used for formatting the posting dates of news items, which must be represented the same for all users.

      • formatBlogDate

        public String formatBlogDate​(Date date)
        Formats the date as a blog posting date and returns it as a string. The format might be 'dd MMM @ h:mm a' or something similar.

        This method does not apply the TimeZone specified in the constructor, but instead uses server's default time zone. A blog post date is part of its identifier, therefore it must be consistent for all users.

      • formatServerDateFull

        public String formatServerDateFull​(Date date)
        Same as formatDateFull(Date), but doesn't perform time zone conversion.

        This is typically used for formatting the posting dates of news items, which must be represented the same for all users.

      • formatGivenString

        public String formatGivenString​(String formatString,
                                        Date date)
        Formats the date and returns it as a string, using the given formatting pattern.

        The TimeZone specified in the constructor is used to convert the date from server time to the user's local time.

      • getCurrentDateTime

        public String getCurrentDateTime()
        the current date and time formatted as per formatDateTime(Date)
      • getCurrentDate

        public String getCurrentDate()
        the current date formatted as per format(Date)
      • getDateForBlogPost

        public String getDateForBlogPost​(Date date)
        the given date time in editor blog post format
      • getCalendar

        public Calendar getCalendar()
        a Calendar for the TimeZone specified in the constructor.
      • getTimeZone

        public TimeZone getTimeZone()
        the TimeZone provided when this formatter was created.
      • formatMillis

        public static String formatMillis​(long millis)
        a String representing the millisecond value in the format '[h:]mm:ss.S'. That is, hours will only be displayed if non-zero and any trailing zeroes in the milliseconds are truncated.