Interface SynchronyDataService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultSynchronyDataService, PermissionCheckingSynchronyDataService

    public interface SynchronyDataService
    Synchrony uses DBMS as a persistent storage. It is implemented in append-only way, and it only writes new data to the tables. Old data is never removed by synchrony and this creates a problem with disk consumption and GDPR compliance.

    This manager is created to provide Confluence API for synchrony data removal.

    • Method Detail

      • currentSynchronyDatasetSize

        SynchronyRowsCount currentSynchronyDatasetSize​(@Nullable
                                                       Long contentId)
        If the parameter {@param contentId} is not null, returns size of Synchrony history for that entity. If the parameter is null, returns overall Synchrony rows count for the whole instance.
      • softRemoveHistoryOlderThan

        void softRemoveHistoryOlderThan​(int thresholdHours,
                                        int contentCount)
        Remove approximately {@param contentCount} content records from Synchrony history, which are older than {@param thresholdHours} and are safe for removal. Execution of this method should avoid any bad effect on users experience because we touch here only content which haven't been updated for {@param thresholdHours} hours. This method provides only 'best effort' guarantee for data removal. Deletion strategy depends on the implementation details of how exactly do we determine that content hasn't been touched in {@param thresholdHours} and might change. In some edge cases the method will not remove any data. If you're looking for a guaranteed way to clean synchrony history, please look at hardRemoveHistoryOlderThan(int).

        The main purpose of this method is disk space cleanup in collab editing tables. Parameter {@param thresholdHours} allows to shift trade-off between removal efficiency (disk reclaiming) and the degree of intrusiveness.

        The method is executed synchronously in the same thread. If exception is thrown somewhere in the middle, it is possible to have only a part of data removed, because the removal might happen in several transactions, but remaining data will always stay consistent (e.g. synchrony data consistent with content properties).

      • hardRemoveHistoryOlderThan

        void hardRemoveHistoryOlderThan​(int thresholdHours)
        Remove all events from content entities, which have any data older than {@param thresholdHours}. Theoretically this might cause last 30 seconds of history disappear. This method is designed to be called rarely and be the last resort for GDPR compliance.

        The method guarantees to remove old personal data in order to be compliant with regulations. If the customer doesn't care about any regulations, it shouldn't generally call the method, instead less intrusive softRemoveHistoryOlderThan(int, int) should be used.

        The method is executed synchronously in the same thread. If exception is thrown somewhere in the middle, it is possible to have only a part of data removed, because the removal might happen in several transactions, but remaining data will always stay consistent (e.g. synchrony data consistent with content properties).

      • removeHistoryFor

        void removeHistoryFor​(ContentId contentId)
        This method removes Synchrony history for given content. It can be used to completely remove Synchrony history and reset sync rev properties for given content. If content is not of a type of Page or BlogPost, IllegalArgumentException is thrown. IMPORTANT: please keep in mind, that this method deletes Synchrony history for provided page or blog. If Synchrony history is needed f.e. to conduct analysis of the problem, caller should fetch and save it BEFORE invocation of this method.
        contentId - id of the content, which history has to be cleaned up. Should not be null.
      • removeApplicationCredentials

        void removeApplicationCredentials​(String applicationId)
        since 7.18
        Remove application credentials from Synchrony tables
        applicationId - id of application to remove
      • dataCleanUpAfterTurningOffCollabEditing

        void dataCleanUpAfterTurningOffCollabEditing​(String applicationId)
        This method cleans up Synchrony data after turning Collaboration Editing off.
        applicationId - id of application to remove