You write a user macro in a screen in the Confluence Administration Console. The 'template' is one of the fields that you define when writing a user macro. (See the rest of the guide to writing user macros.) This page gives you guidelines about the code you can enter in a user macro template.

Quick guide to user macro tempates:

  • Use HTML and Confluence-specific XML elements in the macro template. Details of Confluence's storage format are in Confluence Storage Format.
  • You can use the Velocity templating language. Here is more information on the Velocity project.
  • If your macro has a body, your template can refer to the macro body text by specifying '$body'.
  • Each parameter variable you use must have a matching metadata definition. Use @param to define metadata for your macro parameters.
  • When using the information passed using parameters, refer to your parameters as $paramXXX where 'XXX' is the parameter name that you specifed in the @param metadata definition.
  • Use @noparams if your macro does not accept parameters. (info) Note that this will prevent your macro appearing in the macro browser.

On this page:

(warning) The information on this page does not apply to

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Accessing your Macro's Body

Use the $body object within your user macro template to access the content passed to your macro in the macro body.

The $body object is available if you have specified that your macro has a body (in other words, if you have not selected No macro body).

Example: Let's assume your macro is called helloworld.
Enter the following code in your template:

Hello World: $body

A user, when editing a Confluence page, chooses your macro in the Macro Browser and then enters the following in the macro placeholder that is displayed in the edit view:

From Matthew

The wiki page will display the following:

Hello World: From Matthew

Using Parameters in your User Macro

You can specify parameters for your macro, so that users can pass it information to determine its behaviour on a Confluence page.

How your Macro's Parameters are Used on a Confluence Page

When adding a macro to a Confluence page, the Macro Browser will display an input field for each of your macro's parameters. The field type is determined by the parameter type you specify for each parameter.

Defining the Parameters

Briefly, a parameter definition in the template contains:

  • @param
  • The parameter name
  • A number of attributes (optional)


## @param MYNAME:title=MY TITLE|type=MY TYPE|desc=MY DESCRIPTION|required=true|multiple=true|default=MY DEFAULT VALUE

Additional notes:

  • The order of the parameters in the template determines the order in which the Macro Browser displays the parameters.
  • We recommend that you define the parameters at the top of the template.
  • There may be additional attributes, depending on the parameter type you specify.

The sections below describe each of the attributes in detail.

Attribute Name


Required / Recommended / Optional

(an unnamed, first attribute)

A unique name for the parameter. The parameter name is the first attribute in the list. The name attribute itself does not have a name. See the section on name below.



The parameter title will appear in the Macro Browser. If you do not specify a title, Confluence will use the parameter name.



The field type for the parameter. See the section on type below.



The parameter description will appear in the Macro Browser.



Specifies whether the user must enter information for this parameter. Defaults to 'false'.



Specifies whether the parameter accepts multiple values. Defaults to 'false'.



The default value for the parameter.


Parameter Name

The parameter name is the first attribute in the list. The name attribute itself does not have a name.

Example: The following code defines 2 parameters, named 'foo' and 'bar':

## @param foo
## @param bar

Parameter Type

The field type for the parameter. If you do not specify a type, the default is string.

Parameter Type



Displays a checkbox to the user and passes the value 'true' or 'false' to the macro as a string.


Offers a list of values for selection. You can specify the values to appear in a dropdown in the Macro Browser. Example of specifying the enum values:

## @param colour:title=Colour|type=enum|enumValues=Grey,Red,Yellow,Green

Note about i18n: Confluence does not support internationalisation of the enum values.The value the user sees is the one passed to the macro as the parameter value, with the capitalisation given. In this case 'Grey', 'Red', etc.


A text field. This is the default type. Example with a required field:

## @param status:title=Status|type=string|required=true|desc=Status to display


Offers a control allowing the user to search for a page or blog post. Example:

## @param page:title=Page|type=confluence-content|required=true|desc=Select a page do use


Search for user.

## @param user:title=Username|type=username|desc=Select username to display


Offers a list of spaces for selection. Passes the space key to the macro. Example:

## @param space:title=Space|type=spacekey


Confluence accepts this type, but currently treats it in the same way as 'string'. Example:

## @param fromDate:title=From Date|type=date|desc=Date to start from. Format: dd/mm/YYYY 

Note about dates: A user can enter a date in any format, you should validate the date format in your user macro.


Confluence accepts this type, but currently treats it in the same way as 'string'. Example with a default value:

## @param numPosts:title=Number of Posts|type=int|default=15|desc=Number of posts to display


Confluence accepts this type, but currently treats it in the same way as 'string'. Example:

## @param pcent:title=Percentage|type=percentage|desc=Number of posts to display 

Using the Parameters in your Macro Code

The parameters are available in your template as $paramfoo, $parambar for parameters named "foo" and "bar".

Normally, a parameter like $paramfoo that is missing will appear as '$paramfoo' in the output. To display nothing when a parameter is not set, use an exclamation mark after the dollar sign like this: $!paramfoo

Using No Parameters

If your macro does not accept parameters, you should use @noparams in your template. That will let Confluence know that it need not display a parameter input field in the Macro Browser.

If the user macro contains no parameters and does not specify @noparams, then the Macro Browser will display a free-format text box allowing users to enter undefined parameters. This can be confusing, especially if the macro does not accept parameters.

Example: Add the following line at the top of your template:

## @noparams

Objects Available to your Macro

Including the macro body and parameters, the following Confluence objects are available to the macro:



Class Reference


The body of the macro (if the macro has a body)


$paramfoo, $parambar, ... $param<name>

Named parameters ("foo", "bar") passed to your macro.



The BootstrapManager object, useful for retrieving Confluence properties.



The PageContext object, useful for (among other things) checking $renderContext.outputType



The Space object that this content object (page, blog post, etc) is located in (if relevant).



The current ContentEntity object that this macro is a included in (if available).


Macros can also access objects available in the default Velocity context, as described in the developer documentation.

Controlling Parameter Appearance in the Editor Placeholder

A macro developer (or author of a user macro) can control which fields of the macro should appear in the placeholder in the Confluence Editor.

Plugin Macro Metadata

The macro metadata for a plugin macro now has parameter options as shown in the following example:

<macro name="panel" documentation-url="help.panel.macro">
            <category name="formatting"/>
                <parameter name="title" type="string">
                    <option key="showNameInPlaceholder" value="false" />
                    <option key="showValueInPlaceholder" value="true" />
                <parameter name="borderStyle" type="string"/>
                <parameter name="borderColor" type="color"/>

The option showNameInPlaceholder specifies that in the above example the 'title' parameters name should not be shown.

The option showValueInPlaceholder specifies that the user entered value for this parameter should be shown.

So, for the above example, the macro placeholder could show something like 'panel | my panel title'.
If showNameInPlaceholder was true instead of false it would show something like 'panel | title = my panel title'.

If a macro has neither option on any of it's parameters then the default behaviour is to show all parameters: full title and value. If one or more parameters has either option set then all parameters without the options set will default to false (i.e. will not be shown).

User Macro Metadata

The behaviour for a user macro is as described above, however the method of configuration is within the @param entry in the template.
So, the example from above would look something like:

## @param title:type=string|option-showNameInPlaceholder=false|option-showValueInPlaceholder=true

Related Topics

Writing User Macros
Examples of User Macros