There are a number of ways new users can be added to Confluence:

  • By public signup: If public signup is enabled on your Confluence site, people can add themselves as users of the site.
  • By Confluence administrators: Administrators with Confluence Administrator or System Administrator permissions can add new users from the Administration Console.
  • Via an external user directory: See Configuring User Directories.

(warning) The information on this page does not apply to Confluence OnDemand.

To add a new user to Confluence from the Administration Console:

  1. Go to the Confluence 'Administration Console':

    • Choose Browse > Confluence Admin. The 'Administrator Access' login screen will be displayed.
    • Enter your password and click Confirm. You will be temporarily logged into a secure session to access the 'Administration Console'.
  2. Select 'Manage Users' in the left-hand panel.
  3. Click the link 'Add User' at the top of the page.
  4. Enter the user's details: username, password, name and email address.
  5. Click 'Create'.


  • Multiple user directories:
    You may define multiple user directories in Confluence, so that Confluence looks in more than one place for its users and groups. For example, you may use the default Confluence internal directory and also connect to an LDAP directory server. In such cases, you can define the directory order to determine where Confluence looks first when processing users and groups.
    Here is a summary of how the directory order affects the processing:
    • The order of the directories is the order in which they will be searched for users and groups.
    • Changes to users and groups will be made only in the first directory where the application has permission to make changes.

    See Managing Multiple Directories.


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